In the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, there is  a line where Clarence, the angel asks, “Is he sick?”  The other angel replied, “No, worse.  He’s discouraged.”

I ponder on this line regularly.  I find it profound.  While being sick is not a wonderful occurrence in our lives for many of us, becoming discouraged can not only be disheartening, but in some instances  down right devastating.

If I think about it, one can usually go to their doctor and/or take medicine for an illness and usually over time get to feeling better.  However, if one becomes discouraged, depending on many factors, discouragement could feel like the end of the world for them.  Depending on their support system, their practices to take care of themselves and the magnitude of the event(s) may determine just how resilient one can be if discouraged, versus how another person may handle it.

Some practices some take if discouraged are to talk to someone else about it, friend, family or even a professional counselor.  Some are introspective and find that journaling may help with how they choose to deal with the situation.  Whatever works for you, is what is key here.  All of us are different –  Not right, not wrong, just different.

Years ago, I learned to think, “Is this the worst thing that could happen?”  If I can answer “No”, then it helps me deal better with the discouragement.  Here’s to facing discouragement in the face!  You’ve got this!


people running during daytime

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