There is an art to balance. Just as these athletes exhibit impeccable balance, it took repetition, commitment and skill gained over time to be able to achieve this magnificent goal. Zone-Flow-Harmony is living in the sweetest spot of our lives – our very own zen. It’s when all things are firing on all cylinders. It’s living the good life. It takes practice, skill and finesse to get to the point where this is where one lives consistently. Additionally, your thoughts words and actions must be in agreement. It’s all about achieving balance in our lives.
What are some ways that help you achieve balance in your life? Can you think of some habits that you have formed over the years that assist you with this? What practices do you find help ground you? Was there a particular time in your life when you realized that you needed to adjust? How does it feel to be gliding through life, learning and adjusting along the way? Zone-Flow-Harmony doesn’t just happen. It’s methodical. It’s intentional. It’s by design.
Ultimately, Zone-Flow-Harmony is all about living heaven on earth! Practice, Practice, Practice! . . . so that one day you find your very own zen!