It’s never too late to pursue your goals and dreams in your life, no matter who you are nor what they are.  As we live, those goals and dreams may change.  Living fluidly, then you go with that flow and acknowledge where you are in your life and do something about it.  Sometimes, you look up and you decide to pursue something that you may not have even considered in the past, – for whatever the reason(s).  Many times, however, one might doubt themselves.  When it is uncharted waters that you are considering, some of us just give up.  When was the last time that you did that – second guessed yourself and left that goal by the way side?  Also think of a time when you challenged yourself to do something that you have never done before?  How did it feel to really go for it?

The human will and spirit is a beast when one really dials in!  Tenacity and grit are just a few of the qualities that one needs to pursue the unfamiliar. Courage is yet another quality that is needed.  Courage is not devoid of fear, yet is inclusive of being afraid, and acting despite the fear.  It takes courage to go in uncharted waters.  It takes courage to not give up! It takes courage to choose to be uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable is the new comfortable when achieving your goals.

I most recently witnessed this with one of my friends.  She challenged herself.  She set a goal to compete in a pageant most recently.  Now, she is USOA Mrs. Colorado 2019!  Who am I speaking of?  Her name is Sylvia Waller and her platform is Alzheimer’s, in honor and in memory of her dad.  Of her many accomplishments in her life thus far, this was the first time that she has ever competed in a pageant. I am so proud of her!

What goal can you set today that you have been putting off?  Remember, that the only way to grow in life is to become uncomfortable.  Challenge yourself.  Get rid of any excuses today and just go for it, like Sylvia did.

Congratulations Sylvia!  Thanks for reminding us that it’s never too late to pursue any of our dreams!