One minute we are just continuing to live the life we live.  Blessed by so many parts, yet just continuing on in our journey of life.  The little things do matter – the beautiful plant/flower, the smile the stranger just gave you, the kind words you say to someone.  Every piece is like a musical bar of your favorite song.  Parts of the song are jovial, another part is melancholy and other parts are heartbreaking.  When put together, it harmonizes as our life.

Love is the most sacred, immense and warm emotion/feeling there is.  We give and receive love day in and day out.  Love really does just make the world go around. Love is where I desire to land most times in my life.  I really do believe that love really does conquer all!  Because we love, loss is such a challenge!

Loss is one of the hardest things to experience in our lives.  My honey’s dad just transitioned earlier this week.  It’s been very difficult for us.  While it can take us to our lowest low, the blessing is that when we finally do come up, we are able to gradually climb back to one of our highs.  Loss happens not just with our loved ones, but with things.  The loss of a job, the loss of a relationship, the loss of a pet.

This past weekend I was on one of my highest highs!   – Surprise birthday party for my brother.  What a barrel of fun all weekend long and meeting his framily (friends who he has selected as family)!  Just before I’m about to get on the plane, we get the news about his Dad.  So, within one week, we have experienced Life, Love, Loss.  Such is life!