My daily manta – would I rather have the pain of discipline or do I prefer the pain of regret. It takes hard work, commitment and determination to choose to be disciplined in our lives. The alternative is really very easy. This alternative leads to the pain of regret, unfortunately.
Years ago I read a book that is so tattered now, that I have it taped together all over. You know it’s a good book when it’s in that condition. The book was by the founder of Aveda Cosmetics, the late Horst Rechelbaucher – Rejuvenation: A Wellness Guide for Women and Men. As I do with many books that resonate with me, it became a study guide for me. I would set a goal to implement at least one new thing I learned at least weekly. It was in that book that Horst spoke on the pain of discipline vs the pain of regret. I remember reading that sentence and having to put the book down to just think on that thought. I realized that from that moment forward, I wanted to do my best to live the disciplined life. I never want to look back and have regret regarding any area of my life.
Which do you prefer? Logically, one would say they prefer the pain of discipline. Forget what I say, what do I do? By doing a self-analysis, which end of the pendulum have you swung more regularly? Which end do you aspire to swing? What new actions today will you take to begin to swing in the direction of your aspirations? Remind yourself today, that even if you don’t choose, you have chosen one of them. Not choosing by default the choice would be the latter.

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