Poison is horrible!  We know that actual poison is harmful and can kill.  I believe that this type of poison is just as harmful and could be fatal.  What type of poison am I speaking of today?  We call it ‘throwing shade’, now days.  I simply call it POISON.  Ultimately, its about speaking and thinking ill of others.   Being judgmental about others is poison.  Poison can sometimes hit closer to home, also.   I have found that sometimes, I am not even speaking or thinking well of myself to myself, let alone about others.  So poison could be not supporting yourself, not supporting your dreams nor your aspirations.  Being too hard on yourself is poison.   Calling yourself names that are not nice, nor supportive is also poison.  Words like stupid is an ugly example of poison.

Curtail the choice to give someone ‘a piece of your mind’ today.  Go write it out –  journal all of what you really think about it.   That’s one way to get it out and then get rid of it.  So when you do finally speak with that person, there’s not as much ‘stank’ on it.  Who knows what I mean by that?

Recently a close friend was at work and something bothered her.  I told her, that I am known for taking a note pad with me into the ladies room, and writing whatever that may be bothering me out.  For me, that has helped me release and move on better with different situations or people in my life.  She told me most recently at lunch that writing it or/journaling has really helped her deal better with certain things going on at work.

Today, I challenge you.  If you catch yourself spewing poison out on someone, stop yourself.  As I was raised, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.  I have failed at this challenge many, many times.  Don’t get me wrong.  It is what has also brought me back to that foundation.  I find that sometimes speaking with a friend, another person’s name may come up and before I know it either they are spewing out poison on them, or I am.  Then I leave feeling horribly.  I then check myself, and challenge myself to do better with this challenge for the rest of the day.  Who’s taking on this challenge today?