Don’t you love this Oprah quote?   “The highest honor on earth that you will ever have is the honor of being yourself. Your only true job in the world as a human being is to discover why you came; why you are here. Every one of us has an internal guidance, GPS; intuition, a heart print; a heart song that speaks to us. Your only job is to be able to listen and discern when it’s speaking vs. your head and your personality speaking and if you follow that, you will be led to the highest good for you. Always! That’s why all of the voices in the world mean nothing if your voice is in alignment with all the voices of the world. You have your own internal GPS, voice of God or whatever you choose to call it. People get in trouble because you are following everyone else’s. If you just lean into becoming more of you are, more of who you were meant to be, that’s why you are here. You are not here to pretend to be like someone else.”  Oprah – Good Morning America Interview for A Wrinkle In Time

“Stay you! Be you! Do You!  No one can do you better than you!” – Savoi Rags