Valuable, precious, priceless, original – That’s you!  Imagine this – from the beginning of time, there has never been anyone just like you, nor will there ever be!  Sure, you may resemble relatives or could look like a perfect stranger, but no one has your exact DNA, fingerprints, features, personality, talents, essence – no one.

Pretty special, right?  Absolutely you are!  Since I believe that our creator doesn’t make any junk, what would you say are your gift(s) that you are to drop off on this earth while you are here?  Ponder that for a moment.  Everyone has gift(s).  The question is, what are we doing with those gift(s)?  I encourage you to pull out what you are to offer the world, dust it off and just let it roll.  You have no idea who you will bless because you got out of your comfort zone, found your zen and soared.

Embrace you!  Instead of hating on yourself by not liking this that or the other, try instead to embrace all of who you are.  Learn to like and love yourself.  Learn to enjoy your own company.  Be okay with spending time with yourself via reading a good book,  journaling, meditating as well as enjoying your solitude.  That’s when you hear the still small voice, your intuition to guide you.   Let that be the first goal of this journey.  As you continue on in this life, remember to Stay You, Be You, Do You because no one can do you better than you!