

“I am a pseudo-fit person”

Those words came out of my mouth most recently when I was speaking with a fitness trainer. Even I was shocked by them.

I was being honest for a change – out loud – about the fact that, though I have maintained healthy eating habits, over the years, I am not as fit as I can nor used to be. No, I don’t have to look like I did 30 years ago. I actually look fit to me and to most I am told. But I know better. Not only did I teach aerobics back in the day, but I was also a body builder. I really know better!

After my Chiropractic appointment the other day, I was reminded, that my lower back pain could be alleviated with better core strength and my weak knees would feel much better if my legs were in better shape to support them.

So, I started with 5 crunches, 5 leg lifts and 10 second planks. Daily increasing little by little. Beginning to feel good each day, with my habit again to be as healthy as I can. Fake fit is no longer good enough for me!

What fitness workouts are you doing lately? I’d love to hear what’s working for you! Ultimately, our first wealth is our health!!



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Logo Color - Savoi Rags - Author, Speaker, Coach - Aurora, CO

Inspiring others to kill mediocrity and replace with excellence in their lives.